Compiled by Russ Belville, NORML Outreach Coordinator
Most people don't want to legalize pot, all the polls say so!
Polls from 2006/07 say a MAJORITY of Westerners say "Relax it and tax it".
How will we ever be able to stop pot DUIs if marijuana is legal?
How do we stop pot DUIs now? OCTA maintains all DUI penalties.
Won't OCTA make it easier for teens to get cannabis?
Nearly 84% of high school seniors ALREADY find it easy to get cannabis!
How will $300M/yr in OCTA money benefit the State of Oregon?
90% of OCTA goes to the general fund, the rest funds rehab, education, & hemp.
I don't use cannabis, so why should I care about passing OCTA?
Spend $61.5M/yr on busting cannabis users, or earn $300M/yr taxing them?
Won't sales of cannabis in adult stores mean more people using cannabis?
Everyone who wants to use cannabis already is... on the uncontrolled black market!
OCTA sends the wrong message about cannabis to teenagers!
Since medical marijuana passed in Oregon, teen cannabis use went down.
OCTA's a good idea, but it will never survive a federal court challenge
OCTA was drafted to obey the Constitution and US International Drug Treaties
We have enough problems with drugs, why have another one?
We sell beer and cigarettes, which kill >520,000 a year; cannabis kills ZERO.
Won't we see more safety issues in the workplace if OCTA passes?
OCTA keeps all drug-free workplace policies and DUI laws intact.
Marijuana is a gateway drug, more people will get hooked on hard drugs!
The gateway theory is a myth - most cannabis users never try other drugs.
What are the benefits of growing an industrial hemp crop in Oregon?
Greener cheaper fuel and industry for our farmers and timber workers.