Easily, Public Safety is the third largest beneficiary of the Oregon General Fund with 15 percent of the over all budget. Throughout the state of Oregon, state patrol and police budgets are being cut. Neighbors have to rely more and more on volunteer efforts to make sure their communities remain safe and protected. Many fail to recognize services like 911 and poison control are paid for by public funding. Sensible legislation like OCTA will help ensure our state has the resources it needs to serve it's population, while at the same time funding precautionary programs so Oregon is ready should disaster strike.
Furthermore, OCTA will remove cannabis from the streets and put it where only adults can purchase it. By taking it out of the hands of drug dealers we are protecting our kids. With a percentage of the profits being directed at drug treatment and education programs Oregonians can rest assured folks are getting the treatment they need and our youth are being educated properly about drug use and abuse.
This legislation will greatly reduce the number of cannabis related arrest, freeing up time and resources for police to focus on violent crimes. R. Gil Kerlikowske, the White House Director of Drug Control Policy states, “treatment is simply cheaper for society than a crime and punishment.”
Source: http://oregon.gov