Make A Secure Credit-Card Donation To CRRH to support the OCTA initiative
Every political campaign needs money to be successful. Donate now and help us change the world!
Please use the "donate now" button on this page to transfer to a secure web site to make a donation. We need your money to help put the Cannabis Tax Act on the ballot in Oregon. When we regulate marijuana here in the Northwest USA, and the OCTA will do that, then the whole international War on some Drugs will grind to a halt and start to crumble.
Your credit card donation will appear on your monthly statement discreetly, simply as CRRH. Once you have completed your transaction, you will receive an email confirmation and "thank you" note.
We can accept money from anyone, anywhere in the world. There are no legal limits on contributions to initiative petitions. Oregon taxpayers get a 100 percent refund for donations of up to $50, or $100 for married couples filing jointly, of a donation to help CRRH put OCTA on the ballot with the Oregon state income tax credit. Your contribution will allow the CTA's political action committee, the Campaign for the Restoration and Regulation of Hemp (CRRH), to organize effectively and to finish the drive for Oregon's ballot in November 2012. We hope to take the CTA to other states too.
Right here, right now, the CTA needs money for its petition drive to pay signature gatherers, for our phone bill, postage and printing. We pledge to use your donation wisely to legally regulate the sale of marijuana to adults and for medicine, and to legalize industrial hemp.
If you have questions or prefer to make your donation by phone, call us at 503-235-4606.
Thanks for helping CRRH's OCTA petitions! With your help we will change the world.