Health Care

OCTA 2010 Human Resources is the second largest recipient of resources from the Oregon General Fund, with 24 percent. However, according to The Families USA report titled, “Left Behind: Oregon's Uninsured Children” more than 107,000 children were uninsured. That is more than one out of nine. In the three years since the report that number has surely grown. Considering 82 percent of Oregon's tax revenue comes from income taxes; high unemployment rates translates to budget cuts for programs like schools, healthcare and public safety.

No less than 87.8 percent of uninsured children come from homes where at least one person works Despite this over half remain in poverty. Many of these families may qualify for programs funded by the state General Fund. The funding is simply not there.

OCTA will generate millions for healthcare through the state general fund. Early estimates predict sensible legislation like OCTA could create $140 million or more for such programs. Just for comparison sake; Oregon's lucrative micro-brew industry contributes $2.2 billion to the state annually. In addition, by regulating the sale of cannabis Oregon is taking it off the streets where young people can easily acquire it.

This is to say little of the hundreds of health benefits associated with hemp seed/oil. Hemp has long been known to hold beneficial qualities of a nutrient rich life. Loaded with Omega 3s, protein and fiber, the possibilities for hemp as a food, fuel or building materials are endless.

2011-2013 Governor's Balanced Budget
