Regulation and Reform

Regulation and Reform work. Currently, billions of dollars are being spent by our government and various lobbying groups to keep prohibition alive and well. Because of this an unregulated market controls pricing and sales of a plant that generates billions in profits, all of which is untaxed. It is naïve to believe that keeping cannabis illegal keeps the government out of the process. Government hands are all over this cash crop, but few people in this country reap any benefits. Regulating the commercial sale of cannabis while at the same time allowing personal growing creates a system for all Oregonians to benefit, even those who chose not to buy cannabis from the state or use it at all.

In an unregulated market anyone can purchase cannabis and prices are set by those in charge of the racketeering. Regulation drives the overall cost down while at the same time making it harder for those under 21 to obtain cannabis. Considering the revenue for state programs and the safety it creates for our youth, it is hard to understand why we have not made the move to regulate cannabis already. Reform of our current laws is the only way to move forward in Oregon.

Tax dollars should be used to pay for schools, health care and transportation not the 4' x 6' cell of a non-violent offender. Reform will free up tax dollars and precious public safety resources. Over time, reform will change the public opinion people have of cannabis; the social stigma that folks cling to now will fall away. Farmers cannot even grow hemp because the government categorizes hemp and cannabis under the same umbrella, which is only testament to their lack of knowledge regarding the plant. Elected officials, farmers and the medical industry see the benefits of this crop. It is time for Oregon to have laws that reflect commonsense and logical ideals.