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Our Mission: Promote justice, freedom, and peace with political action and education.
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    Benjamin Franklin
    started one of
    America's first paper
    mills with cannabis,
    allowing a colonial press
    free from English control.

Hemp is Legal
in many countries
throughout Europe
and Asia, including the
United Kingdom, the
Netherlands, and China.

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A little rebellion
now and then
is a good thing.
Thomas Jefferson

In any civilized
society, it is
to obey
just laws. But at the
same time, it is every
citizen's responsibility
to disobey
unjust laws.
Martin Luther King Jr.

Research &

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Hemp Links on the Web

"The greatest service that can be rendered to any country is to add a useful plant to its culture."

Thomas Jefferson

"An acre of the best ground for hemp, is to be selected and sewn in hemp and be kept for a permanent hemp patch."

Thomas Jefferson's Garden book 1849

We have compiled, what we feel, is a useful list of interesting links to get educated on the uses of hemp/cannabis. Pull up a chair and spread the word.

Hempstalk-Two days of Hemp & Music

Marijuana Myths, Marijuana Facts: A Review of the Scientific Evidence by Lynn Zimmer, PhD, and John Morgan, MD (The Lindesmith Center 1997) [Bookworld Companies 1-800-444-2524]

International Cannabinoid Research Society

Alliance for Cannabis Therapeutics

Erowid in the UK


Marijuana Policy Project


Jim Rosenfield's Articles and Opinion pages include many fascinating pieces by conservatives on prohibition.

Marihuana: The Forbidden Medicine by Lester Grinspoon, MD and James Bakalar, JD (Yale University Press 1997) [1-800-YUP-READ]

Federal Foolishness and Marijuana" by Jerome Kassirer, MD (New England Journal of Medicine: volume 336, number 16, January 30, 1997 pages 366-67)

"Reefer Madness - The Federal Response to California's Medical - Marijuana Law" by George Annas, JD MPH (New England Journal of Medicine: volume 337, number 6, August 7, 1997, pages 435-39)

"Marihuana as Medicine: A Plea for Reconsideration" by Lester Grinspoon, MD and James Bakalar, JD (Journal of the American Medical Association, volume 273, number 23, June 21, 1995, pages 1875-76)

"Inhalation Marijuana as an Antiemetic for Cancer Chemotherapy" by Vincent Vinciguerra, MD; Terry Moore, MSW; and Eileen Brennan, RN (New York State Medical Journal, October 1988, pages 525-527)

"Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol as an Antiemetic in Cancer Patients Receiving High-Dose Methotrexate" by Alfred Chang, M.D et al (Annals of Internal Medicine, volume 91, number 6, December 1979, pages 819-824)

"Marijuana as Antiemetic Medicine: A Survey of Oncologists' Experience and Attitudes" by Richard Doblin and Mark Kleiman (Journal of Clinical Oncology: volume 9, number 7, July 1991, pages 1314-1319)

"Cannabis for Migraine Treatment: The Once and Future Prescription?: An Historical and Scientific Review," by Ethan B. Russo, M.D.; (Pain: volume 76 number 1: pages 3-8, 1998)

The Fitz Hugh Ludlow Hypertext Library contains a number of hypertext documents about pre-1937 cannabis use in the English-speaking world, as well as other documents of a similar nature.

Stop Arresting Smokers

The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML)

  • Social/Sacrament



    Cannabis vs. Alcohol

    Indian Hemp
    was properly christened
    by Linnaeus, in 1753,
    as Cannabis sativa,
    which remains the
    botanical name for the
    plant species.

The U.S. Government
distributed 400,000 pounds
of cannabis seeds to
American farmers in 1942
to aid the war effort.

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Site designed and supported by Campaign for the Restoration and Regulation of Hemp