Legalize. Regulate. Educate.

  • Food


    Omega 3, 6, 9

    Products - Recipes
  • Paper

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Our Mission: Promote justice, freedom, and peace with political action and education.
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    Hemp Oils

    Benjamin Franklin
    started one of
    America's first paper
    mills with cannabis,
    allowing a colonial press
    free from English control.

Hemp is Legal
in many countries
throughout Europe
and Asia, including the
United Kingdom, the
Netherlands, and China.

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A little rebellion
now and then
is a good thing.
Thomas Jefferson

In any civilized
society, it is
to obey
just laws. But at the
same time, it is every
citizen's responsibility
to disobey
unjust laws.
Martin Luther King Jr.

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Home >> Chief Petitioners

CRRH - D. Paul Stanford
P.O. Box 86741 Portland, OR 97286
Telephone: (503) 235-4606


Oregon Norml - Madeline Martinez
Oregon NORML
P.O. Box 16057 Portland, OR 97292
Telephone: (888) OCT-A201

OCTA Administrator Information:

Richard R. Glassmeyer-Treasurer
Oregon NORML
P.O. Box 16057 Portland, OR 97292
Telephone: (888) OCT-A201

Russ Belville-Political Director
Oregon NORML
P.O. Box 16057 Portland, OR 97292
Telephone: (888) OCT-A201

Melodie Silverwolf-Media Director
Oregon NORML
P.O. Box 16057 Portland, OR 97292
Telephone: (888) OCT-A201

Michael Bachara-Marketing-Webmaster
Campaign for the Restoration and Regulation of Hemp
P.O. Box 86741 Portland, OR 97286


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    Cannabis vs. Alcohol

    Indian Hemp
    was properly christened
    by Linnaeus, in 1753,
    as Cannabis sativa,
    which remains the
    botanical name for the
    plant species.

The U.S. Government
distributed 400,000 pounds
of cannabis seeds to
American farmers in 1942
to aid the war effort.

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Site designed and supported by Campaign for the Restoration and Regulation of Hemp