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    Benjamin Franklin
    started one of
    America's first paper
    mills with cannabis,
    allowing a colonial press
    free from English control.

Hemp is Legal
in many countries
throughout Europe
and Asia, including the
United Kingdom, the
Netherlands, and China.

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A little rebellion
now and then
is a good thing.
Thomas Jefferson

In any civilized
society, it is
to obey
just laws. But at the
same time, it is every
citizen's responsibility
to disobey
unjust laws.
Martin Luther King Jr.

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Reasons we think OCTA will be the first to legalize!

by D. Paul Stanford

The Oregon Cannabis Tax Act was written to comply with international treaty law and makes a number of findings by the people in its preamble to allow it to be upheld in the inevitable court challenge it must endure after winning in a statewide election, prior to going into effect. OCTA was carefully crafted over a decade with the input of dozens of skilled people and was designed to be upheld and implemented, in contradiction to current federal law. The findings by the people in OCTA’s preamble enumerate a number of constitutional, legal and historical issues that will force the federal courts to allow OCTA become law.

Oregon was the first state to decriminalize cannabis (1974), the first state to enact Labor Day as a statewide holiday (1888), the first state to allow legislation by the people through the initiative process (1902), and the first state to allow the terminally ill to choose death with dignity with a doctors assistance (1994.) The list goes on and on, but suffice it to say that Oregon is a progressive state that often is the testing ground for governmental innovations in the USA. Even the Clinton Administration’s Reinventing Government proposals to cut the federal buearacracy are based upon Oregon’s Strategic Benchmark program.

We think OCTA will be the first legislation enacted to end the escalating civil war we call the War on Drugs.

We can take the first steps for the rest of our country toward an energy source based on sustainability, life and growth, as well as naturally based food, medicine, sacrament, and recreation. Industrial Hemp will save many farms and cannabis will be regulated and sold through state liquor stores, with tax proceeds generating millions of dollars toward the General Fund, thus ending the unjust war on cannabis.

Reasons we think OCTA will be the first to legalize!

Help OCTA move forward to stop the War on Cannabis by challenging the 1937 Marihuana Tax Act, it's credibility and effectiveness. With your help, we can do it!

Hemp prohibition is the result of propaganda by the petrochemical, cotton, and wood-based paper industries, who foresaw competition from hemp. Virtually anything that can be made from petroleum can be made from hempseed and other vegetable oils at a much lesser cost, and hemp fiber is many times more durable and resourceful than cotton or wood-based paper.

  • Whereas the people of the State of Oregon find that Cannabis hemp is an environmentally beneficial crop that:
    (a) Yields several times more fiber, for paper and textiles, and healthier protein and oil than any other plant;

    (b) Yields cloth and paper of superior strength and durability without the application of pesticides during cultivation and without producing cancer-causing pollutants during processing;

    (c) Yields more biomass than any other plant outside the tropics, though it grows well in the tropics too, and grows faster than any other plant on earth in the temperate and cooler climates;

    (d) Yields a substance that relieves the suffering of many ill people without life-threatening side effects;
  • Social/Sacrament



    Cannabis vs. Alcohol

    Indian Hemp
    was properly christened
    by Linnaeus, in 1753,
    as Cannabis sativa,
    which remains the
    botanical name for the
    plant species.

The U.S. Government
distributed 400,000 pounds
of cannabis seeds to
American farmers in 1942
to aid the war effort.

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Site designed and supported by Campaign for the Restoration and Regulation of Hemp