Hemp is Legal
in many countries
throughout Europe
and Asia, including the
United Kingdom, the
Netherlands, and China.
A little rebellion
now and then
is a good thing.
Thomas Jefferson
In any civilized
society, it is
every citizen's
responsibility to obey
just laws. But at the
same time, it is every
citizen's responsibility
to disobey
unjust laws.
Martin Luther King Jr.
The following is a list of our Oregon Cannabis Tax Act (OCTA) Volunteer Coordinators, in alphabetical order by city.
We need your help to get OCTA on the ballot. Please do everything you can to recruit petitioners, money, supplies and personnel. Most of all we need you! Feel free to contact CRRH or the representatives listed here.
The petition, linked here, is a volunteer OCTA petition. There are two kinds of petitions for state initiatives under these new laws. If someone is being paid, their petitions must state "THIS Petitioner Is Being PAID" in large bold letter across the top, in addition to and right beside the other box saying "Circulators Are Being Paid."
John Walsh
Cannabis Liberation Society
Telephone: (541) 349-0633
Madeline Martinez, Michael Bachara, Melodie Silverwolf
OCTA 2010 Headquarters
105 SE 18th Portland, Oregon 97214
Telephone: (503) 235-4606
We are currently recruiting representitives throughout the entire state of Oregon. If you would like to get involved in the movement, simply fill out our volunteer form and make your voice heard!
Hemp - The Environmentally Sustainable Alternative