Legalize. Regulate. Educate.

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    Omega 3, 6, 9

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Our Mission: Promote justice, freedom, and peace with political action and education.
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    Lip Balms - Lotions

    Hemp Oils

    Benjamin Franklin
    started one of
    America's first paper
    mills with cannabis,
    allowing a colonial press
    free from English control.

Hemp is Legal
in many countries
throughout Europe
and Asia, including the
United Kingdom, the
Netherlands, and China.

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A little rebellion
now and then
is a good thing.
Thomas Jefferson

In any civilized
society, it is
to obey
just laws. But at the
same time, it is every
citizen's responsibility
to disobey
unjust laws.
Martin Luther King Jr.

Research &

It takes Hundreds of Millions of Dollars to Locate and Pump Petroleum out of the Earth.

It takes Tens of Billions of Dollars to Build and Operate a Facility to Refine Petroleum.

Facts about Oil Refineries and Your Health:

  • Oil refineries dump thousands of pounds of toxic chemicals into communities every day!
  • Many toxic chemicals released by refineries into the environment cause cancer, birth defects, and serious health problems.
  • Odors from refineries can be more than a nuisance, such as hydrogen sulfide, which can cause serious health impacts or death.
  • Leaks in equipment, oil spills and flares can dump dangerous pollution anywhere.

We don't have to use petroleum. Biodiesel is the solution!

Brought to you by the Campaign for the Restoration and Regulation of Hemp (CRRH), working to restore the plant that produces more fiber, protein and oil than any other plant on our planet.

Petroleum's Role in Hemp Prohibition

Popularizing an obscure Mexican slang word, these powerful interests -- including William Randolph Hearst (the namesake of "yellow journalism"), who had bought up entire forests for his vast chain of newspapers -- orchestrated a nationwide campaign that played on racism and wildly lurid and inaccurate reports in order to prohibit hemp.

They said that a deadly new drug called "marijuana" caused users to go insane and uncontrollably kill their family and friends. We call that misinformation campaign "Reefer Madness" (click here to see a Hemp TV clip from the movie) , after a 1938 movie popularizing this hoax. The basis of marijuana prohibition is filled with lies and overt racism. Everyone knew what hemp was, but very few understood that marijuana was hemp when it was prohibited in 1937.

The most resourceful crop on earth, cannabis yields industrial hemp for canvas, oil, fiber, and paper among other things; a harmless medicine for gravely ill individuals; and a source of recreation for millions of people around the world.

Hemp prohibition is the result of propaganda by the petrochemical, cotton, and wood-based paper industries, who foresaw competition from hemp. Virtually anything that can be made from petroleum can be made from hempseed and other vegetable oils at a much lesser cost, and hemp fiber is many times more durable and resourceful than cotton or wood-based paper. Let's restore our right to grow this resourceful crop!

We the People: Hemp to save the Planet

  • Social/Sacrament



    Cannabis vs. Alcohol

    Indian Hemp
    was properly christened
    by Linnaeus, in 1753,
    as Cannabis sativa,
    which remains the
    botanical name for the
    plant species.

The U.S. Government
distributed 400,000 pounds
of cannabis seeds to
American farmers in 1942
to aid the war effort.

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©Copyright Cannabis Tax Act 1994-2007 All rights reserved.

Site designed and supported by Campaign for the Restoration and Regulation of Hemp